Origin: Hui Cong net teachs industry channelThe essence that do not have stannum starts limited company of science and technologyChamber of HW series constant temperature applies to the dependability of constant temperature of temperature of product of industry of charge for the making of sth. to experiment. Function index accords with GB5170.5. - 96 " equipment of test of environment of product of electrical engineering electron is basic parameter calibrating method " requirement.Chamber of HW series constant temperatureStructural characteristic:* France installs an entrance formerly " peaceful health " refrigeration compressor and complete set install refrigeration fittings formerly. Refrigeration means uses odd level or pair class answer folds refrigeration (wind cold or water-cooling) ……(此为英语引子) 来路:彗聪网教学行业频道, 无锡精创科学有限公司制造的HW系列常温实验箱适用在作工业制造业制品温度常温的可信性实验。质量目标切合GB5170.5.-96《电工电子信息制品周围的环境实验配置基础系数检定办法》的请求。HW系列常温实验箱构架特征:
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